Hi Im Lain(she/her) also known as lain62 or Ivulai. I am a trans student currently enrolled in an art major. I am moslty known for my furry drawings and sometimes my little pony art. >

I’m also quite the coding nerd. I love anything to do with computers and programming. Currently I am focused on learning webdev and gamedev stuff. Im also currently working on a little project called c_less which is a remake of celeste pico-8 as a personal learning experience. it is being created using ruby with the dragonruby gtk.

I had a couple of hyperfixations over the past, but they like to come and go for some reason. My past couple hyperfixations include Chess ( Peaked around 1400 elo on chess com). Rubiks cube ( peaked around 35 seconds speed on a 3x3 ). Celeste ( Beat solaris as my hardest map ). And my current hyperfixation is risk of rain 2 with my fav characters being in order: Acrid, Captain, Artificer.

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